Артикул: RW1200145035
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  • Английский язык ДВГУПС 2014 Савельева, Сологуб — 4 вариант (Кр №2)

    Вариант 4

    Задание 1. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов. Подчеркните модальные глаголы в английских предложениях и в переводе.

    1 Both direct and alternating current may be used on electrified railways.

    1. Steel, which is used for the production of rails, must be of high quality.
    2. The double-track railways are more convenient than single-track railways because the trains do not have to wait for the other trains to pass.
    3. They were not allowed to take part in the discussion.
    4. W. Murdock could construct a working model of a small steel locomotive.


    Задание 2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future) и группы Perfect (Present, Past, Future) в действительном и страдательном залогах. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.

    1. The reason for the freight train derailment has not been found yet.
    2. The station master said that no trains had arrived at the station during the night because of the heavy snowstorm in the mountains.
    3. The program of railway reforms is being implemented now in Russia. Under this program, suburban and regional passenger services will be financed from local budgets.


    Задание 3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, поставив глагол в

    нужную форму.

    1. When we (to come – Past Indefinite Active) to the railway station, all the tickets (to sell out – Past Perfect Passive) already.
    2. Computers (to use – Present Continuous Passive) more and more extensively in the world today.
    3. Train fare (to increase – Past Perfect Passive) several times for the past year.


    Задание 4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, выбрав правильную     форму сказуемого (Active or Passive)

    1. The wooden supports for rails (call; are called) the sleepers.
    2. The workers (were inspecting; are being inspected) carefully the carriages before the train departure.
    3. One of the Metro stations (will build; will be built) near my house.

    Задание 5. Перепишите и переведите текст.

    Harvard University.


    Harvard University is a private coeducational institution of higher education, the oldest in the USA. A college was founded by the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636. It was opened for instruction two years later and was named in 1639 for English clergyman John Harvard, its first sponsor.

    The main university campus lies along the Charles River in CambridgeMassachusetts, a few miles west of downtown Boston. The University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18 000 degree candidates, including undergraduates* and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School*. Harvard’s total enrollment is about 20,000. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculties.

    Harvard gradually acquired considerable autonomy and private financial support, becoming a charted university in 1780. From its earliest days, Harvard established and maintained a tradition of academic excellence and the training of citizens for national public service.

    Harvard College contains about one-third of the total student body. The core of the university’s teaching staff consists of the faculty of arts and sciences, which includes the graduate faculty of arts and sciences. The university has graduate or professional schools of medicine, law, business, divinity, education, government, dental medicine, design, and public health. The schools of law, medicine, and business are particularly prestigious.

    The average college course of study is 4 years. The academic year is usually 9 months or 2 terms (semesters) of four and a half months each. The first-year students are called freshmen. Students choose a major subject (профилирующая дисциплина) and take many courses in this subject. After four years they get a traditional Bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school (старшие курсы) and with a year or two of further study get a Master’s degree and then after another year or two of study and research  they may get a still higher degree as Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.). The student’s progress is evaluated by means of tests, term works and final examinations in each course. The student’s work is given a mark, usually on a five-point scale (5-балльная система). Letters indicate the level of achievement. “A” is the highest mark, “F” denotes a failure.  The methods of instruction in the university are lectures, discussions, laboratory and course works or seminars.

    By the end of the 20th century Harvard had educated six US presidents – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy – and a number of justices, cabinet officers and congressional leaders, literary figures, historians, chemists and naturalists.


    undergraduates* — студенты старших курсов, которые еще не получили степень Бакалавра наук или равноценную степень

    the Harvard Extension School* — школа при Университете Гарварда


    Задание 6. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Используйте фразы: It is right. It is wrong. Исправьте неверные утверждения.

    Образец: 1) Higher education is given in colleges and universities. It is right.

    2) The academic year is usually 8 months or 2 terms (semesters) of four months each.  It is wrong. The academic year is usually 9 months or 2 terms (semesters) of four and a half months each.

    1. Harvard college was founded by the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638.
    2. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School.
    3. After five years students get a traditional Bachelor’s degree.
    4. The student’s progress is evaluated by means of tests, term works and final examinations in each course.
    5. The methods of instruction in the university are lectures, discussions, laboratory and course works or seminars.

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    Артикул: RW1200145035

    Categories: Хабаровск